The celebration of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus inaugurates the Jubilee of the Centenary of the Getsemane Church in Jerusalem.
In the Garden
HERE, on this night, that Hour takes place once more...Under the same moon, in this garden called Gethsemane. The Gospels condense and narrate in full detail what the olive trees have seen: the Son of God, the Master, all alone, stretched out on the ground, sweating blood and praying to the Father. Never before has Jesus appeared so human.

The Hermitage of Gethsemane provides possibility for private prayers in a solitary retreat, following Jesus’ example, who on the night in the Gethsemane Garden, right here, stayed all alone in private solitude with the Father.

Every first Thursday of the month
If you wish to accept Jesus' request "stay here, pray with me" sign up now!